
Protein-Surfactant and Protein-Antibiotic Interactions
Protein Unfolding and Refolding

Fluorescent Nanoclusters and Nanoparticles

Surface Chemistry
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and Imaging

The research group is focused on solving the challenges at the interface of Chemistry and Biology mainly using various spectroscopic techniques. Specific research activities are elaborated below:
Metal Nanoclusters:
Owing to their tunable and versatile photophysical properties, nontoxic, luminescent metal nanoclusters (NCs) with dimensions < 3nm (between small molecules and nanoparticles), are emerging as the next-generation molecular probes. Over the past few years, we have developed highly luminescent metal NCs (Cu, Ag and Au) using various templates and explored how these NCs be used for cancer cell imaging, metal ion sensing, discriminating single base pair mismatch DNA and for the development of a nanothermometer.
Protein Unfolding and Refolding:
Proteins unfold in the presence of denaturants like urea, SDS, GdHCl, high temperature, extreme pH etc. Hence, the native structure is lost. To refold these unfolded conformations is a real challenge. Our group is actively involved in deciphering whether the unfolded proteins can be made to refold and up to what extent? We have conclusively established that certain proteins like the albumins not only unfold in a sequential manner but also, the consequent refolding follows reversible dynamics. Here, the molar ratio of protein: chaotrope plays a seminal role and in most of the cases the activity of the protein is retained.
Drug-Protein and Small Molecule-DNA Interaction:
Our group is involved in addressing a question related to the identification of nucleobase pair selective fluorescent probe for DNA and how their binding mechanism can impact biomedical research. Our research objective has also been directed towards the in-depth elucidation of binding mechanism, sequence selectivity and energetics/associated thermodynamics of the binding interactions of different small molecules/drugs to proteins and nucleic acids.