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Receiving the INSA Young Scientists Award 2012

Indo-German Conference, 2012 at IISER Bhopal

The lab at ITI building; Uttam and Saptarshi

In the lab at ITI building

NSRP-13 Conference at NEHU, Shillong

PhD seminar of Uttam

1st Convocation at IISER Bhopal, 2012

Uttam, the 1st PhD student of the group;
Convocation 2014

Convocation 2014

Happy Birthday Saptarshi

Food time

Arshad leaving for greener pastures

My extended world

The "new experimentalists"!!

The one with Prof. Kankan Bhattacharyya and Prof. H. Peter Lu together

Subhadip, the 2nd PhD student of the group; Convocation 2016

Dinner party with "Team"

Fun Time

Farewell Moments
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